Olluri, VV nuk e ka problem me ba qeverin edhe me listen serbe…
Ai thotë se këta zyrtarë nuk e kanë një të drejtë të tillë, madje shton se Prokuroria do të duhej të reagonte. Olluri tha se po tentohet të minimizohet roli i Sami Kurteshit, por...
Ai thotë se këta zyrtarë nuk e kanë një të drejtë të tillë, madje shton se Prokuroria do të duhej të reagonte. Olluri tha se po tentohet të minimizohet roli i Sami Kurteshit, por...
Xhelal Sveçla Lulzim Jashari dhe Albin Kurti Edhe ky Lulzimi si Bekimi i njejtë ndoshta ju kan premtuar tendera milionshe… çka mendoni ju a është kjo e vërtetë apo vetëm po shpifin njerëzit
A tourist has been savagely attacked by a shark off a Caribbean beach, with reports that the victim lost both her hands as her husband tried to fight the beast off. The woman, believed...
A man was so distraught by the accidental death of his dog that he put up a sign in his yard as a warning for speeding drivers coming through his neighborhood. The sign was...
Jennifer Lopez, often referred to as J.Lo, has consistently captivated the public’s attention. With a remarkable career as a singer, actress, and entrepreneur, her personal life often draws just as much, if not more,...
Votuesi Sami Beqaj Ja kam jep voten per LDK es ejo per me votue qeverin kurti! Kurse Cani Bytyqi ia kthen Sami Beqajt “Po Gect gjithmon kan qen me Rugoven .Se edhe populli ka...
The world was sh aken by Paul Walker’s tragic passing on November 30, 2013, in a car accident during a charity event in Santa Clarita, California. His loss deeply affected his Fast & Furious...
Famous for roles in The Bodyguard, Night at the Museum, and New Jack City, actor Bill Cobbs has passed away. His brother, Pastor Thomas G. Cobbs, confirmed the news on Facebook, stating that Bill...
Danielle Colby, best known for her role on American Pickers, has always been unapologetically bold. However, some of her recent BlKlNl photos have sparked controversy, with many questioning if they push the boundaries of...
In September 2024, Shakira left the stage at Miami’s LIV nightclub after spotting a fan trying to film up her skirt. Fans supported her response, calling for respect toward performers.The incident followed her move...